


One application for all vetted companies

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We have used many applications for hiring. We have tried applications like Shine, Naukri, and Indeed. We have also used their paid subscriptions for hiring but have always had problems.

  1. The Applicant profiles listed on these platforms are usually outdated, they open themselves to spam, and are difficult to be found in these large databases.
  2. Applicants build profiles in multiple portals and apply for all jobs without relevancy.
  3. So, as Recruiters, we can only ensure that we receive new applications by continually repeating job postings and consequently be perceived as a spam dump.
  4. As recruiters we receive job applicants without any relevancy filtering.
  5. Applicants do not update their profiles for changes in employment status, making the database redundant over time.

meAboutus aims to be the single application for all vetted companies, and for companies, it’s a Tinder or a Bumble app for hiring.

Companies can input their preferences like dating, and our algorithm will match them with the perfect candidate list. Companies can proceed to shortlist and hire candidates from this list.

meAboutus makes it super easy for companies with no spam, the latest and up-to-date profiles matched according to relevancy whenever they are searching for suitable candidates.

For job seekers, it’s truly a single application for all vetted companies.
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